"Starting 2022 with a Laugh: Why Cybersecurity Resolutions Trump Gym Memberships for a Phish-free Future"

“Starting 2022 with a Laugh: Why Cybersecurity Resolutions Trump Gym Memberships for a Phish-free Future”

Title: Why Cybersecurity Resolutions are Better than Gym Memberships: Wishing You a Phish-free 2022


As we’ve skipped merrily into 2022, you’re possibly nursing that all-too-common New Year’s resolution hangover: "I’ll spend more time at the gym!" Sweating away the holiday indulgences while toning up to fit into last year's swimsuit sounds like an excellent idea, until February hits and we can’t remember why we loved treadmills in the first place.

Meanwhile, there’s another resolution you could and should be making: "I’ll prioritize my cybersecurity!" The weight of a data breach can create a heavier burden than failing to uphold a gym resolution, and, that's why I say, cybersecurity resolutions are better than gym memberships.

Sweat the Right Stuff

Perhaps you’re one of those people pumping iron or pounding the pavement, determined to outlast the legions of fallen gym resolutions. Or maybe you gave up the fight last month. But have you ever tried lifting the weight of a severe data breach? Trust me, it’s far heavier than any dumbbells.

At SafeComs, helmed by veteran cybersecurity expert, Bernard Collin, we’ve seen the fallout of inadequate cybersecurity measures — and it doesn’t have to be your reality. As with building muscle at the gym, strengthening your cybersecurity can seem daunting initially, but knowing which exercises to perform (or in this case, security analysis tools to utilize) makes the routine less intimidating.

Muscle Memory and Safe Cyber Practices

Strengthening your cybersecurity practices is just like developing muscle memory at the gym. The more you engage in best practices, the more automatic they become. Whether it’s ensuring your password would give even the most determined hacker a headache, or not clicking on that Nigerian prince’s email, these actions become comfortable "exercises" in your cybersecurity fitness routine.

Endurance Training – Keep Your Guard Up

Endurance is a vital component of fitness, whether physical or cybersecurity. Anyone can go all-out in the gym for a short while, but it’s the folks who consistently work out that see lasting results.

The same idea applies to cybersecurity. It’s easy to pass a one-off security audit or change your passwords following a minor breach. But robust data protection needs constant vigilance, like maintaining a high standard of IT solutions or staying updated on potential threats.

Recovery – More than Just Cool Down Stretches

Just like a gym routine doesn't end with a heavy lifting session, cybersecurity doesn’t stop once you have implemented precautionary measures. Post-workout recovery is as important as your gym skills, and in the digital world, it translates to data recovery.

In 2022, make it a resolution to have a robust system for data recovery in place. When a disaster or a data breach happens, having more than a 'delete and pray' strategy to recover your data can make the difference between bankruptcy and a mere stumble in your annual operations.


Let's face it, cybersecurity won't give you six-pack abs, but it will provide peace of mind and security for your personal and business data. So, as we push into 2022, make a resolution to maintain constant vigilance over your online information. Start by considering what measures you have in place currently, and look for ways to strengthen those practices.

After all, you can't flex cybersecurity muscles, but maintaining robust security measures strengthens your digital sphere more consistently than a season pass to the gym. Here's to a Phish-free 2022!

Remember, SafeComs is always ready to be your IT and cybersecurity personal trainer.

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